My name is Benjie Flores and I am writing this letter in response to the sexual abuse allegations brought against Msgr. Wallace A. Harris of St. Charles Borromeo in Harlem. If these so-called events happen over 20 years ago, they would have occurred during Msgr. Harris’ tenure as Vice Rector and Dean of Discipline at Cathedral Preparatory Seminary, a Catholic high school located on West End Avenue on 87th Street in Manhattan (now St. Agnes High School for Boys). I know this to be accurate timing since I was a student there at the time in question.
My family and I have had a personal relationship with Msgr. Harris prior to me attending Cathedral Prep while he was a visiting priest at Our Lady of Good Counsel on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I attended the parochial school (now closed by Cardinal Egan) from Grades 1-8 and was an altar boy most of those years. I even worked in the Parish Rectory for about 3 years and I knew Msgr. Harris very well and considered him to a be a valued mentor, entrusted confidant, and treasured friend. I ultimately decided to attend the Prep for my High School years because I knew he would never steer me wrong. Thank God I followed that calling. He would always refer to me as his “Son” due to the fact that we were both big portly guys that carried the majority of our weight in the belly region but oddly enough had tiny thin chicken legs to show for it. Fr. Harris quite often said that I had that quality that men hope to possess when entering the priesthood and that I should consider the vocation. Even though I chose another path in life, that did not deter him from being my dear friend and most trusted Counselor over the next 25 years.
I have maintained my close personal relationship with him over the past 2 decades, thru my college years, thru various jobs that I have held or lost, thru various girlfriends I have had and lost, from weddings and Christenings of friends and family that he presided over, to the death and burial services of my own father in March of 1995. I was in my last year at Penn State studying oversees in Costa Rica Central America when I got word that my father had suddenly passed away from a massive heart attack. It was one of those events in life that changes you forever and I don’t think I would have come out of it the way I did if not for Wally Harris. My family is primarily made up of women and I was always out-numbered by a fair margin at family functions and that was no different at my Dad’s funeral. I had held myself together pretty well for the sake of my Mom, Sisters and other family members but on the first day of the wake, when my Grandfather (my Dad’s father) walked in, I began to lose it. I could not fathom the idea of this 75 year old man having to bury his 51 year old son. As I turned teary eyed to look away, at that very moment walked right in to the arms of a just arriving Fr. Harris and that is when I let it all out. As I watch a father say good-bye to his son, another Father reached out to his Son, ME, and consoled and assured him the way Fathers do.
Wallace Harris is not only one of the finest priests’ I have ever come across in my life but he also exemplifies the true ideology of what it means to “Be a Man!” He goes the extra mile for everyone he meets while still preaching the Word of God with self-respect, positive conviction and exemplary character. He is so in touch with the trials and challenges that young men face in the world today and will always give you brutally honest feedback and sound advice even if it is not always in strict adherence to Catholic doctrine. Just imagine holding a job of this magnitude where your words, advice, actions, teachings and in many cases discipline would be the foundation of true moral fiber and shape the hearts and minds of hundreds of young impressionable boys. Msgr. Harris did this job day in and day out, every semester, every year, on weekends, during Summer & Holiday vacations, all the time. He did all this and still found ways to minister to the flock at various churches and parishes throughout the Archdiocese. To many, with no fatherly presence at home, he was that very being and figure to them.
My Dad, always told me, “Benjie it is always up to you and whatever you do in life, do it the best you can and always try to make a difference in this world. There are no short cuts!” Wally Harris exemplifies these very words and has and will continue to make a difference in this world. I have often said, the Archdiocese of NY could use a Wally Harris in every parish because the man gets the job done and I can honestly say, he wakes up every morning looking to do God’s work with everyone he meets.
I can not and will not believe these allegations unless hearing them directly from the sources and Father Harris’ complete admission to these events. If the chronology is correct, I most definitely know these accusers since our entire High School was no bigger than 100-120 total students. I just find it odd that these charges are brought up now, 20 years later when there was ample time to come clean and purge yourself of these emotional burdens, especially over the last 5+ years when the whole Boston Diocese scandal broke out and there was a nationwide manhunt for pedophile priests. The Church and the media were pleading victims and assuring them of total protection and privacy that their voices would be heard without prejudice. They promised that severe but appropriate action would be taken swiftly and accordingly and for the most part they lived up to their word.
The sad thing in this case as with so many across the county is that the mere accusation portrays a verdict of guilty in the eyes of so many due to the bad apples that did spoil the bunch. Is there a problem with pedophilia and priests in the Church? Yes, I do believe there is. This is an issue that is not just localized in the United States and the Catholic Church but all over the world in every major religion. Some of you may not know this, but the very rules and guidelines to remove a priest in the Archdiocese of NY were formulated by the man accused, Wallace Harris. That is how serious he knew this problem was and he also had the forthsight to know that many innocent men were in danger of being accused with little to no recourse in thier defense.
My family and I have had a personal relationship with Msgr. Harris prior to me attending Cathedral Prep while he was a visiting priest at Our Lady of Good Counsel on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I attended the parochial school (now closed by Cardinal Egan) from Grades 1-8 and was an altar boy most of those years. I even worked in the Parish Rectory for about 3 years and I knew Msgr. Harris very well and considered him to a be a valued mentor, entrusted confidant, and treasured friend. I ultimately decided to attend the Prep for my High School years because I knew he would never steer me wrong. Thank God I followed that calling. He would always refer to me as his “Son” due to the fact that we were both big portly guys that carried the majority of our weight in the belly region but oddly enough had tiny thin chicken legs to show for it. Fr. Harris quite often said that I had that quality that men hope to possess when entering the priesthood and that I should consider the vocation. Even though I chose another path in life, that did not deter him from being my dear friend and most trusted Counselor over the next 25 years.
I have maintained my close personal relationship with him over the past 2 decades, thru my college years, thru various jobs that I have held or lost, thru various girlfriends I have had and lost, from weddings and Christenings of friends and family that he presided over, to the death and burial services of my own father in March of 1995. I was in my last year at Penn State studying oversees in Costa Rica Central America when I got word that my father had suddenly passed away from a massive heart attack. It was one of those events in life that changes you forever and I don’t think I would have come out of it the way I did if not for Wally Harris. My family is primarily made up of women and I was always out-numbered by a fair margin at family functions and that was no different at my Dad’s funeral. I had held myself together pretty well for the sake of my Mom, Sisters and other family members but on the first day of the wake, when my Grandfather (my Dad’s father) walked in, I began to lose it. I could not fathom the idea of this 75 year old man having to bury his 51 year old son. As I turned teary eyed to look away, at that very moment walked right in to the arms of a just arriving Fr. Harris and that is when I let it all out. As I watch a father say good-bye to his son, another Father reached out to his Son, ME, and consoled and assured him the way Fathers do.
Wallace Harris is not only one of the finest priests’ I have ever come across in my life but he also exemplifies the true ideology of what it means to “Be a Man!” He goes the extra mile for everyone he meets while still preaching the Word of God with self-respect, positive conviction and exemplary character. He is so in touch with the trials and challenges that young men face in the world today and will always give you brutally honest feedback and sound advice even if it is not always in strict adherence to Catholic doctrine. Just imagine holding a job of this magnitude where your words, advice, actions, teachings and in many cases discipline would be the foundation of true moral fiber and shape the hearts and minds of hundreds of young impressionable boys. Msgr. Harris did this job day in and day out, every semester, every year, on weekends, during Summer & Holiday vacations, all the time. He did all this and still found ways to minister to the flock at various churches and parishes throughout the Archdiocese. To many, with no fatherly presence at home, he was that very being and figure to them.
My Dad, always told me, “Benjie it is always up to you and whatever you do in life, do it the best you can and always try to make a difference in this world. There are no short cuts!” Wally Harris exemplifies these very words and has and will continue to make a difference in this world. I have often said, the Archdiocese of NY could use a Wally Harris in every parish because the man gets the job done and I can honestly say, he wakes up every morning looking to do God’s work with everyone he meets.
I can not and will not believe these allegations unless hearing them directly from the sources and Father Harris’ complete admission to these events. If the chronology is correct, I most definitely know these accusers since our entire High School was no bigger than 100-120 total students. I just find it odd that these charges are brought up now, 20 years later when there was ample time to come clean and purge yourself of these emotional burdens, especially over the last 5+ years when the whole Boston Diocese scandal broke out and there was a nationwide manhunt for pedophile priests. The Church and the media were pleading victims and assuring them of total protection and privacy that their voices would be heard without prejudice. They promised that severe but appropriate action would be taken swiftly and accordingly and for the most part they lived up to their word.
The sad thing in this case as with so many across the county is that the mere accusation portrays a verdict of guilty in the eyes of so many due to the bad apples that did spoil the bunch. Is there a problem with pedophilia and priests in the Church? Yes, I do believe there is. This is an issue that is not just localized in the United States and the Catholic Church but all over the world in every major religion. Some of you may not know this, but the very rules and guidelines to remove a priest in the Archdiocese of NY were formulated by the man accused, Wallace Harris. That is how serious he knew this problem was and he also had the forthsight to know that many innocent men were in danger of being accused with little to no recourse in thier defense.
When all the evidence is presented and testimony is heard, I firmly believe that Msgr. Harris will be vindicated fully; but at what cost? What happens to the career of a man that many believed was to be the first NY African American Bishop since the Most Rev. Emerson Moore passed away in 1995. Many, including myself, believe Msgr. Harris has what it takes to be an Archbishop, maybe even the 1st Black Archbishop in NYC history. Damn shame that we are all so quick to presume guilt quicker than innocence just because it makes for a better storyline.
In closing, my heart-felt prayers and good-will go out to all victims of sexual abuse, no matter what their age, color, religion, sex, nationality or sexual orientation may be. It is a morally wrong and evil act that does deserve just punishment and must be dealt with in a swift efficient manner. I also pray for the Souls of the men and women that have performed such horrendous acts on innocent children that they may seek the help they so desperately need and ultimately find God again because anyone on this particular path is obviously lost and needs help to find their way home.
Benjie Flores
Cathedral Prep - Class of 1990
1 comment:
I cant believe now Eric Crumbley. The nerve of him as H was basically acted as his actual Father. Why did he continue to be around H after the alledged incidents for over 10 yrs later? so now Eric has left the Church and Lord knows how many other problems.....
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