Sunday, August 17, 2008

Msgr Harris is the Priest that helped make me the man I am today.

For the past week or so, I have been reflecting heavily on this whole situation. How can this be happening to a man that has dedicated his whole life to serving others and our God?

I first met Msgr. Harris 25 years ago while I attended Cathedral Prep. During my four years at the Prep, my family went through many changes, one of major significance was when my parents deciding to get a separated after 26 years of marriage. Trust me it was great timing on their part! Here I was the only child still at home, while my brother and sisters were having fun at college. I had to decide on what college I would attend and which parent should I stay with. I didn't know what to do, or who to turn to in this trying time. Then I realized something that I will never forget. Even though my biological family wasn't doing so well, I had another family, the Prep Family. The Prep Family was more than anything I could ask for, not only did I get all new brothers, who are still in my life today, but I also got a second father who would be there for me for the next 25 years. He would be the person I could turn to for help with all my problems, the person I could call on when I was having spiritual questions, and would also to the person to tell me, that great news because she wasn't the one for you. The second father I am talking about is Msgr. Harris.

The 2 stories that resonate deep in my soul concerning Msgr. Harris are the following:

A few years ago, I was teaching in the Bronx, and I went to see Msgr. to get some advice, and after we chatted for a while, he got up, went to his office and came back with a gift for me. I opened it and I was amazed by the art work that he had given to me. He had given me an African sculpture of a lion. I immediately said Thank You, Thank You and I told him, “So I guess this answers my question about my career”, and he said, "Yes" and asked me if I understood it? I then proceed to tell him, well it’s somewhat weird that you knew my last name translated to English it means, "Lion." Msgr. started to laugh, because the reason he gave it to me, had nothing to do with my name, but had to do with me becoming a great educator. Msgr. then informed me that I needed to be like a lion, even though you might not hear him all the time, you feel his presence, and that is how I need to run my classroom. He told me that I should yell or scream in my classroom or at my students, but always let them know that you respect them, and everything will fall into place. Well 10 years later I am happy to say that advice has carried me to great place, because I am currently the Principal of the #7 school in all of NYC, and if it wasn't for Msgr.'s advice, God only knows where I would be today!

The other story that I would like to share with everyone is the one which occurred while I was still at the Prep. I can't remember the exact day of the week, but I had just come down from working with my dad, and I was not too happy. Msgr. noticed something was wrong and started to chat with me about what had happen, which I told him. I was so mad with my father's and his store that some adjectives came out of my mouth that I really should not have said especially to my father. During our chat, I realized that I wasn't really mad at my father, but I was madder at myself for cursing at him. Msgr. Harris had taught me how to be reflective on my actions, and by the end of our chat, I decided to drive back up to my dad's store and apologize. Not only did I learn how to be reflective and humble, but I also learned what it means to be a person with deep Christian values. Throughout my life, there have been many people that complemented me on the values that I possess, especially for a young man, and I simply tell them, "Well if it wasn't for my parents and Msgr. Harris, this Man would not be the person standing in front of you.

I chose to share these stories as testament towards the character of Msgr. Harris. He has been my spiritual advisor, a mentor, and true friend for the past 25 years; so it pains me that someone would even think of accusing him of such horrible actions. I can truly say with whole hearted conviction, "Msgr. Wally Harris has helped mold me into the man that I see in the mirror everyday and thank you Lord Jesus for sending such a spectacular man, priest and friend into my life.”
Peter Oroszlany
Cathedral Prep - Class of 1989


Vincent Zaloom, Jr. said...

Father Wally Harris was not only a guide and inspiration to me, but was a true friend. I attended Cathredral Prep from 1980-1983. I can say without question, that there was never a moment that I was made to feel threatened or uncomfortable.
I use to commute from Staten Island to Manhattan. During basketball season it was increasingly difficuly to commute because we would practice at Dunwoody Seminar. More than a few times "H", as we would affectionately call him, opened his home to me at St. Joseph's in Harlem to make my life easier. I spent quite a few nights in a spare room in his rectory. NEVER, EVER was there cause to be concerned, for he was just the reaching out to help as he has done for many other throughout his ministry. I stand behind my friend Wally Harris to the end.

Anonymous said...

I have read many blogs and stories on this subject, and many mirror my own when it comes to the contributions Fr H made in my life. I could no sooner turn my back on him than I would my family. Its a pity some many seek to profit in some way from this foolishness. A swift end and REAL justice is what is needed in this situation. Just as H always had my back at the Prep, now I return the favor and love.