Friday, November 7, 2008
Congratulations to the Prep Men - Sons of Harris
Back in the day, the norm for my parents and circle of friends was to motivate children; success through - family life, education, hard work and staying close to the church. Hopefully children would do better than their parents, become model citizens and be a pride to their race.
Loyalty, Honesty, Dedication, Love, a positive philosophy of life where all components in the Road to Success.
It is with pride that I salute the Cathedral Prep alumni that have stood tall, loyal to their former teacher, mentor, friend Monsignor Wallace A Harris.
" a friend in need is a friend indeed"
It is easy to be there in good happy times but you re really needed in bittersweet/ bad times.
You are to be congratulated, encouraged and recognized for your willingness to STAND UP , WRITE , ARTICULATE and DO.......... You have walked away from the toothless tigers, those waiting standing muted.
Isabel Dennis - Cummings
Monday, November 3, 2008
Why the silence?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Reputation Thief
"who steals my purse steals trash; tis something, nothing; 'twas mine, 'tis his and has been slaves to thousands. But he that fliches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed." William Shakespeare
The allegations against Msgr. Harris brings Shakespeare's words into 2008 reality. The Archdiocesan press release in August manifested another 2008 reality that we have witnessed that when black men are accused they are deemed GUILTY to be proven otherwise.
The excuse that the Bishops Dallas 2002 remedy to solve the sins of the priest by providing aid/sympathy for the alleged victim and public exposure to the priest - takes the situation over the top. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or privacy until the trial / inquiry is proven. WOULD JESUS SANCTION SUCH A TRAVESTY?
If this is the reward for years of dedicated service; submission to the establishment; being the BEST - then it begs the question whether Men of Color native born to America should entertain a life of priestly ministry. It appears the Archdiocese sees the profit of the cosmopolitan, highly educated, foreign born to fulfill the priest quota and the color diversity publicity perception.
The Harris assassination motivates the wondering about the current status of the Black priest in the New York Archdiocese - who are they - where are they - are there any active or are most in a controlled box of inactivity like Msgr. Harris?
The procedure for justice to address allegations against priest accused of child molestation needs to be thorough, within a reasonable time frame and sensitive to both the alleged victim and alleged accused. Protection, Privacy, Sensitivity must be ingredients in this process. Honesty in this process must be key for Justice.
Wallace Harris has become the sacrificial lamb in this 2008 mismanagement of justice. God is showing us, this procedure ruins the reputation of the man and leaves him damaged forever.
Shakespeare's wisdom, Jesus Christ story, the black mans struggle in racist America manifested in the Msgr. Wallace Harris travesty.
Isabel Dennis- Cummings
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Faith in a Good Man!
The man that I knew couldn't hurt a young man and anyone for that manner. I truly believe that his accusers have misconstrued situations. I'm quiet sure that Fr. Harris will face this adversity with dignity and his faith will only grow. There are thousands of people that have faith in this man so hopefully this terrible situation will end in a fair conclusion.
Ed McCool
Cathedral Prep (Class of '87)
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Godfather...
Hopefully, this terrible nightmare will quickly come to an end, and we can once again make our BJ Wholesale runs, “One-Day Only” shopping trips, and countless other wacky adventures we have done thru the years.
Most importantly, your guidance, leadership, the understanding you provide and the love you show me and my family is what I miss the most in this unusual time of forced separation.
So until we meet again; know that I love you and pray for your speedy return every single day.
Love Always!
The Godson...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Say Something
FOR RELEASE: August 3, 2008
For further information:
Joseph Zwilling
(212) 371-1011 ext. 2997
TODAY IS OCTOBER 1, 2008, ACTUALLY 2 MONTHS SINCE MSGR. HARRIS WAS REMOVED FROM ST.CHARLES (he was rushed out like a thief in the night the Thursday before the grand announcement).
- No advisory board meeting yet.
- Now we have 11 accusers.
- No more statements from the Archdiocese.
- No visits to St. Charles from any Archdiocesan officials.
- No show of support or comfort to the Parish
And all of that now means NOTHING. I guess right now i should be more like my teacher and mentor and just be OBEDIENT AND LOYAL to the Church of New York. Hell NO, my mentor and teacher instilled values in me along with obedience and loyalty like following the actions of Jesus. Jesus walked among the accused, and stood up for them.
For the past 5 weeks at St. Charles, we have been told to pray, be silent, wait, and to not do anything to hurt MSGR. any more, keep tithing, sign up, don't talk to the press and so on and so on. I HAD ENOUGH OF THAT. please someone tell me what are we waiting for, who are we waiting for and why are we waiting?
- MSGR. didn't give you a chance to wait to sign up, he told you what he needed you to do.
- MSGR. didn't bite his tongue, he said what he had to say and didn't care about your little feelings.
- MSGR. needed money for a project, and you gave your money for the completion.
- MSGR. was loyal to 1011 first avenue, but he was not afraid of the archdiocese.
- MSGR. is our leader, and he has EMPOWERED each and every one of us to lead.
Either one will be good for me, I will continue to pray but the Archdiocese will not receive another penny from me or my family until this humiliation of MSGR. HARRIS IS OVER.
David Dennis - Class of 1987
Monday, September 29, 2008
Benjie Flores
Sunday, September 28, 2008
In Support Of Msgr. Wallace Harris
I write these words first and foremost to make a clear statement that I believe in the innocence of Msgr. Harris. I believe that what is going on here is much bigger than what anyone currently understands. And I am certain that there are people in the Catholic community in New York City who are determined to destroy the legacy, the work and the influence of this giant of a man.
I grew up in Harlem and although I went to Catholic schools all my life, attended Church every Sunday, and learned to turn the other cheek. Let it be known that in my world only a coward accuses through the voice of another. I grew up in a place where both men and women came forward to accuse another in the light of day. And I learned on those streets that only those brave enough to be seen are worthy of reply. At this time there are 10 accusations. Of the 10 one has come forward and with that we are all certain that this one face is the face of an opportunist and a liar. And as such not worthy of further comment.
So where are the other 9? At a meeting of the 20 Cathedral Men we were able to deduce that the first two accuser's stories have numerous holes in them. And we also discovered that not one of us had been questioned or called. And that no one else that we knew had been questioned or called. To this date, no one who supports Msgr. Harris has been asked to witness for him. It would seem strange to me indeed that the Archdoicese of NY who sponsored the education of every Cathedral Prep alumnae is not interested in hearing from us. But there are two, and two seems to be enough to condemn. If Msgr. was not already condemned he would still be at St. Charles. The actions taken against him are the actions taken against those deemed guilty. And his deafening silence - a silence that he has been informed by them is necessary - further confirms that the Archdoicese of NY presumes his guilt over his innocence.
With so many new accusations, don't you think its time that we hear from him? With these new accusations being levied, don't you think its time that voices of support rise up to be heard? Or are we like sheep going to the slaughter? Too conditioned to even look up and see our fate. Too trusting to rear up and protect ourselves. Just little dumb sheep happily walking to the slaughterhouse and bringing those that we love along with us.
Brian Dunn
Class of 1981
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Son of H
As a ’85 graduate of St. Joseph’s and ’89 graduate of Cathedral Prep- I am very familiar with H as well as the accusers. For me as well as other St. Joseph’s students with only a mother at home H was not only the father figure but basketball coach, camp counselor, teacher, director of the altar boys, etc. You see main stream America- Harlem in the 70s and 80s was not the Bill Clinton, Starbucks and expensive brownstones area you know it now to be- it was the center of the Crack epidemic and making ends meet with odd jobs and the help of welfare.
My mother stressed books, Church and sports. These values were some of the same ones that H stood for and has continued to preach at St. Charles Borromeo. When deciding a high school I knew that H would continue to take care of me and help me grow spiritually and become a young adult. Cathedral Prep is basically no longer around because it was geared to stress the priesthood. Obviously that idea did not work as me and other 14 year old boys picked the school for its excellent academic reputation, its strong ties with the New York Catholic elementary schools and it just happened to be the most inexpensive Catholic Boys high school at the time. At the Prep H was a father figure to Whites, Blacks, Asians and Latinos who shared a common faith and wanted to become positive individuals in society.
In my opinion sexual predators are more than likely to violate a person they have known for a long time and have close ties to their families (a position of trust and confidence). Monsignor Harris was the dean of discipline at the school basically the person who tells young men to get to class or find a new high school. See, the first accuser did not do well at Cathedral Prep and was gone after 2 years. The second accuser graduated, played sports and was very outgoing- hardly the resume of someone who has been abused for 4 years. Then again are these men still practicing Catholics or do they resent the religion or just attempting to get back at their old Dean of Discipline? Then we have a third accuser who also has started his own church. Let’s be serious if someone molests you, you get away from them not continue to be involved with them for the next 10 years!
For this Harlem boy, Monsignor Harris is not a sexual predator. Instead, he is the father figure I needed to lead and encourage me at Cathedral Prep, Syracuse University and Hofstra University School of Law. See growing up in the 80s in Harlem usually lead to teen pregnancy, jail, drug dealing or death if one did not have the right role models. Maybe the Archdiocese of New York and District Attorneys should contact more men like me for our opinion- believe me I can get them there to testify!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Guilty by Association...
I have had the misfortune of only having Msgr. Harris for the first two out of four years I attended the Prep. But those years have been the most influential years of my life. Although the Priesthood wasn't Gods calling for me, Msgr. Harris gave me the tools needed to succeed as a individual and as a proud Christian. He taught me discipline, hard work and persistence while still having empathy, morals, respect and faith in God. I say this to you with my hand over my heart that these are the same values I carry and use every single day of my life. I am a proud husband and father and I teach these very same values to my own children.
Let's call a spade a spade. It would be unrealistic to say that there are no bad people in the world and everybody is innocent. Truth of the matter is that there are plenty of bad people in every single race, creed, culture, group, committee, organization, etc. But it is unfair and unjust to label everyone negatively because of a few bad seeds. Such is the case with Msgr. Harris. The Lord said "Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe". If you knew him like the thousands of us do, you would know that there is no way possible that this man would be capable of committing any of the alleged actions. It's not in his makeup. So please view this matter and more importantly him, with a open mind. Let the testimonials of the thousands of people who have been lucky enough and blessed to know this man be the proof everyone needs to know that he is innocent. He is just another victim of a individual who is in the public eye.....
Victor Popovic
Cathedral Prep Class of '91
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My response to a NY Post article
My name is Richard Murphy. I received a call this afternoon from a dear friend and high-school classmate informing me of the allegations made against Fr. Wallace Harris. I am so upset to think that anyone would accuse this man of being anything less than a mentor and a good friend. As a young high-school student at Cathedral Prep, transplanted from rural Ireland at the age of 15, I found myself alone in the big city. I was the odd man out but was so warmly welcomes at my new school unequaled to this day. Adding to this welcome was the faculty of which Fr. Harris was an out spoken member. I developed a close relationship with Fr. Harris during my time at the Prep and can say from the bottom of my heart that I did and still do have total faith in the purity of this man's heart. I am proud to say that Fr. Harris presided over my wedding, a moment that these false allegations will never take away from me. I stand by Fr. Harris in his denial of these allegations and welcome any call or correspondence from anyone seeking further information or comment.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We Come This Far By Faith..........
These words to this song describes my GODFATHER, and our relationship over the past 39 years. He has been there for all of us in good times and bad times, always speaking his mind. There were many of times we disagreed, but he always gave us an opportunity to grow and be men who stood by the decisions we made. There were plenty I made that H did not agree with; but he ALWAYS stood tall with me.
It is REALLY AMAZING AND RIDICULOUS that we have to defend Msgr. Harris at this time. His record and body of good and service he has done as a priest is OUTSTANDING. The spiritual guidance he has demonstrated UNCONDITIONALLY from ST. THOMAS to ST. JOSEPH to OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNCIL to CATHEDRAL PREP to ST. CHARLES to ST. JOSEPH SEMINARY, and on and on and on cannot be duplicated nor quantified
As many have stated in their blogs, Msgr. Harris has been a very influential person in our lives. He showed us that hard work pays off. We were taught how to appreciate the simple things of life. He encouraged us to be willing to give our time and efforts to others. Most importantly, he showed us how to use our God given talents to make other peoples lives better. All of us who work with him see his example day in and day out. He lives the words he preaches!
His dedication, his determination, his desire and his discipline have patterned my life. I have to believe that the accomplishments and service with the thousands of lives that He has touched, will outweigh these allegations.
David Dennis
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wally... A Confidant, Advisor and Closest Friend!!
I know more than most the "tough love" approach. In my Junior year, my Dad died. To this day, that was the hardest thing I've dealt with. Wally was there for me . He stood by me as I mourned my Dad's passing. He got me to refocus my mind as I was destroying all I had achieved at the Prep. My overall interest in everything I was doing was gone. I didn't care about school, sports or life. Those who knew me back then can attest to the fact that my world revolved around the Prep. Wally Harris was not only my teacher, he was and still is a friend in the truest sense of the word. From that time to this day, Wally has been my closest friend, confidant and advisor. My relationship with Wally has grown as I have grown. He had stood by me as I contemplated priesthood and ultimately decided that this vocation was not what God had planned for me to do. He never lost faith in me even when I lost mine. He brought me back to my faith and re-introduced me to God with love and simple honesty.
This is why I know these charges against him are FALSE. THE MAN I KNOW, LOVE AND RESPECT WOULD NEVER HARM A CHILD. IT GOES AGAINST EVERYTHING HE HAS TAUGHT ME AND WHAT HE BELIEVES IN. I pray everyday that this nightmare for him ends soon. I don't understand the motives of these men making these allegations, but know this, I will do whatever is necessary to clear his good name. Pray that they find the courage to right this wrong. Pray that the Church acts quickly and doesn't drag her feet. A man's life and reputation is at stake. I've known Wally 28 great years. He is my brother in every sense of the word. He has told me that trust in GOD helps him deal with this situation. I believe and trust what he tells me to be the Truth Church politics should play no part in this. Let's hope all parties concerned remember we need the truth.
Brendan Haugh
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Msgr Harris is the Priest that helped make me the man I am today.
I first met Msgr. Harris 25 years ago while I attended Cathedral Prep. During my four years at the Prep, my family went through many changes, one of major significance was when my parents deciding to get a separated after 26 years of marriage. Trust me it was great timing on their part! Here I was the only child still at home, while my brother and sisters were having fun at college. I had to decide on what college I would attend and which parent should I stay with. I didn't know what to do, or who to turn to in this trying time. Then I realized something that I will never forget. Even though my biological family wasn't doing so well, I had another family, the Prep Family. The Prep Family was more than anything I could ask for, not only did I get all new brothers, who are still in my life today, but I also got a second father who would be there for me for the next 25 years. He would be the person I could turn to for help with all my problems, the person I could call on when I was having spiritual questions, and would also to the person to tell me, that great news because she wasn't the one for you. The second father I am talking about is Msgr. Harris.
The 2 stories that resonate deep in my soul concerning Msgr. Harris are the following:
A few years ago, I was teaching in the Bronx, and I went to see Msgr. to get some advice, and after we chatted for a while, he got up, went to his office and came back with a gift for me. I opened it and I was amazed by the art work that he had given to me. He had given me an African sculpture of a lion. I immediately said Thank You, Thank You and I told him, “So I guess this answers my question about my career”, and he said, "Yes" and asked me if I understood it? I then proceed to tell him, well it’s somewhat weird that you knew my last name translated to English it means, "Lion." Msgr. started to laugh, because the reason he gave it to me, had nothing to do with my name, but had to do with me becoming a great educator. Msgr. then informed me that I needed to be like a lion, even though you might not hear him all the time, you feel his presence, and that is how I need to run my classroom. He told me that I should yell or scream in my classroom or at my students, but always let them know that you respect them, and everything will fall into place. Well 10 years later I am happy to say that advice has carried me to great place, because I am currently the Principal of the #7 school in all of NYC, and if it wasn't for Msgr.'s advice, God only knows where I would be today!
The other story that I would like to share with everyone is the one which occurred while I was still at the Prep. I can't remember the exact day of the week, but I had just come down from working with my dad, and I was not too happy. Msgr. noticed something was wrong and started to chat with me about what had happen, which I told him. I was so mad with my father's and his store that some adjectives came out of my mouth that I really should not have said especially to my father. During our chat, I realized that I wasn't really mad at my father, but I was madder at myself for cursing at him. Msgr. Harris had taught me how to be reflective on my actions, and by the end of our chat, I decided to drive back up to my dad's store and apologize. Not only did I learn how to be reflective and humble, but I also learned what it means to be a person with deep Christian values. Throughout my life, there have been many people that complemented me on the values that I possess, especially for a young man, and I simply tell them, "Well if it wasn't for my parents and Msgr. Harris, this Man would not be the person standing in front of you.
I chose to share these stories as testament towards the character of Msgr. Harris. He has been my spiritual advisor, a mentor, and true friend for the past 25 years; so it pains me that someone would even think of accusing him of such horrible actions. I can truly say with whole hearted conviction, "Msgr. Wally Harris has helped mold me into the man that I see in the mirror everyday and thank you Lord Jesus for sending such a spectacular man, priest and friend into my life.”
Friday, August 15, 2008
What ever happened to Innocent until Proven Guilty?
What caused this type of outrage and anger in me when I read these STORIES, was the fact that these allegations were being brought out about a man whom I proudly have called a father figure, a role model, and a friend for the better part of 22 years. I in my heart know, as do the accusers, as do the many thousands of people whom have had any type of interaction with Msgr. Harris that these allegations are simply LIES. This is a man who has always stood for righteousness, and has always taught his students that this is the way to lead your life. He not only taught us this lesson through his words but has always shown us by the way he conducts himself on a daily basis.
There were many boys who entered the doors of Cathedral Preparatory Seminary in the days in which Msgr. Harris patrolled the halls, taught students, provided guidance, and basically dedicated most of his life to making sure that we left that school prepared for our next steps in life. I, as will many, must honestly say that I am a better person today for having known Msgr. Harris. This is a man with integrity and it saddens me that a man like this can have his name dragged through the mud while we sit back and the church sits back and allows it to happen without any recourse. His character, dedication to his students and parishioners, and all the good work which he has done over the course of his vocation, call out for a man who deserves better than this.
First of all, unless there was an admission of this to come from Msgr. Harris’ mouth, there is absolutely no way I would ever believe any of it, and I pray that no one else is fooled into believing it. If these so-called “men” believe their allegations to be true, why wait over 20 years to bring this out to the public. Here we are allowing a man, who has done so much good in his life for so many people, to be desecrated while his accusers are protected and shielded from having to face the public and own up to their defamatory allegations. This is nothing more than cowardly actions. How much easier can we as a society make it for someone to make false accusations about someone else, without there being any penalty?
I now begin to question their motives especially considering the timing. Here we have an African American priest who has risen to some level of prominence within the Catholic Church and among the Catholic Community. Add to that his role in the organization of the Pope’s recent visit to the United States, and the publicity which surrounded it. It does not take much to realize that any disgruntled person, anyone with a grudge against the church or even any personal grudge against Msgr. Harris, let alone anyone just looking to get some money, could easily see his name in the news during these events and decide that this would be the perfect time and the perfect scenario to steal the headlines.
Do we want the TRUTH in this situation though, or are we just idly going to sit by hoping that time will sweep it under the rug and the News chasers will find another story that grabs their attention? The truth for all doubters is easily and irrevocably attained with the use of a polygraph test for all parties. For those who know Msgr. Harris like I do, a polygraph will never be needed because we know the TRUTH is that he is INNOCENT and FALSELY ACCUSED.
Peter Alves
Cathedral Preparatory Seminary – Class of 1990
Trust Well Earned
Msgr. Harris was the Man who welcomed us all in the morning. He was also the one we had to see when we got out of line. He was the one who wasn't afraid to let us know when we were headed in the wrong direction. He spoke plainly, so there was never any confusion. At a time in our lives when we were trying to figure out who we were, he was there to point us in the right direction. I owe much of who I am to him. I am not trying to paint the picture of a saint, just the man that I know to be Msgr. Wally Harris.
The media is painting the picture of a monster, lurking in the halls of my Alma mater. The corrupter of young men and the stealer of innocence. In light of recent events, we are all shocked and confused. We hear allegations against our friend and immediately we say, "No way. Not Possible!" We read the reports and listen to the news and may even start to think that maybe, just maybe, the reports are true. Today, you don't even have to be proven guilty. Character assassination only takes an accusation. Because it made the papers, it must be true.
We cannot allow this to happen. I cannot believe the accusations. Wally Harris has lived his life with Dignity and Grace. He has been a moral compass for so many of us. He has shown the compassion and indeed the tough love that we have needed. He has been there for me when I needed him most. That media monster could not be the same man. That monster is not Msgr. Wallace Harris.
When everything finally comes out, I know that Msgr. Harris will be vindicated. I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that He is the good man that we all know. He is one of the most humble and respectful men that I know. He is a true man of God. He has earned and will continue to have my trust and utmost respect.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter Orloff
Cathedral Prep Class of 1989
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Boy that Stands behind the Man.
My family and I have had a personal relationship with Msgr. Harris prior to me attending Cathedral Prep while he was a visiting priest at Our Lady of Good Counsel on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I attended the parochial school (now closed by Cardinal Egan) from Grades 1-8 and was an altar boy most of those years. I even worked in the Parish Rectory for about 3 years and I knew Msgr. Harris very well and considered him to a be a valued mentor, entrusted confidant, and treasured friend. I ultimately decided to attend the Prep for my High School years because I knew he would never steer me wrong. Thank God I followed that calling. He would always refer to me as his “Son” due to the fact that we were both big portly guys that carried the majority of our weight in the belly region but oddly enough had tiny thin chicken legs to show for it. Fr. Harris quite often said that I had that quality that men hope to possess when entering the priesthood and that I should consider the vocation. Even though I chose another path in life, that did not deter him from being my dear friend and most trusted Counselor over the next 25 years.
I have maintained my close personal relationship with him over the past 2 decades, thru my college years, thru various jobs that I have held or lost, thru various girlfriends I have had and lost, from weddings and Christenings of friends and family that he presided over, to the death and burial services of my own father in March of 1995. I was in my last year at Penn State studying oversees in Costa Rica Central America when I got word that my father had suddenly passed away from a massive heart attack. It was one of those events in life that changes you forever and I don’t think I would have come out of it the way I did if not for Wally Harris. My family is primarily made up of women and I was always out-numbered by a fair margin at family functions and that was no different at my Dad’s funeral. I had held myself together pretty well for the sake of my Mom, Sisters and other family members but on the first day of the wake, when my Grandfather (my Dad’s father) walked in, I began to lose it. I could not fathom the idea of this 75 year old man having to bury his 51 year old son. As I turned teary eyed to look away, at that very moment walked right in to the arms of a just arriving Fr. Harris and that is when I let it all out. As I watch a father say good-bye to his son, another Father reached out to his Son, ME, and consoled and assured him the way Fathers do.
Wallace Harris is not only one of the finest priests’ I have ever come across in my life but he also exemplifies the true ideology of what it means to “Be a Man!” He goes the extra mile for everyone he meets while still preaching the Word of God with self-respect, positive conviction and exemplary character. He is so in touch with the trials and challenges that young men face in the world today and will always give you brutally honest feedback and sound advice even if it is not always in strict adherence to Catholic doctrine. Just imagine holding a job of this magnitude where your words, advice, actions, teachings and in many cases discipline would be the foundation of true moral fiber and shape the hearts and minds of hundreds of young impressionable boys. Msgr. Harris did this job day in and day out, every semester, every year, on weekends, during Summer & Holiday vacations, all the time. He did all this and still found ways to minister to the flock at various churches and parishes throughout the Archdiocese. To many, with no fatherly presence at home, he was that very being and figure to them.
My Dad, always told me, “Benjie it is always up to you and whatever you do in life, do it the best you can and always try to make a difference in this world. There are no short cuts!” Wally Harris exemplifies these very words and has and will continue to make a difference in this world. I have often said, the Archdiocese of NY could use a Wally Harris in every parish because the man gets the job done and I can honestly say, he wakes up every morning looking to do God’s work with everyone he meets.
I can not and will not believe these allegations unless hearing them directly from the sources and Father Harris’ complete admission to these events. If the chronology is correct, I most definitely know these accusers since our entire High School was no bigger than 100-120 total students. I just find it odd that these charges are brought up now, 20 years later when there was ample time to come clean and purge yourself of these emotional burdens, especially over the last 5+ years when the whole Boston Diocese scandal broke out and there was a nationwide manhunt for pedophile priests. The Church and the media were pleading victims and assuring them of total protection and privacy that their voices would be heard without prejudice. They promised that severe but appropriate action would be taken swiftly and accordingly and for the most part they lived up to their word.
The sad thing in this case as with so many across the county is that the mere accusation portrays a verdict of guilty in the eyes of so many due to the bad apples that did spoil the bunch. Is there a problem with pedophilia and priests in the Church? Yes, I do believe there is. This is an issue that is not just localized in the United States and the Catholic Church but all over the world in every major religion. Some of you may not know this, but the very rules and guidelines to remove a priest in the Archdiocese of NY were formulated by the man accused, Wallace Harris. That is how serious he knew this problem was and he also had the forthsight to know that many innocent men were in danger of being accused with little to no recourse in thier defense.
In closing, my heart-felt prayers and good-will go out to all victims of sexual abuse, no matter what their age, color, religion, sex, nationality or sexual orientation may be. It is a morally wrong and evil act that does deserve just punishment and must be dealt with in a swift efficient manner. I also pray for the Souls of the men and women that have performed such horrendous acts on innocent children that they may seek the help they so desperately need and ultimately find God again because anyone on this particular path is obviously lost and needs help to find their way home.
Benjie Flores